Through this page it is possible to renew or make the first payment for the membership to AIRJ for the current year. People who applied for a membership during the current year will be able to access the content restricted to users and take parts to events until June 30th of the following year. After that date only members who have renewed the annual fee will be eligible to access to restricted content and take parts to events.
Renewable is possible through PayPal or by performing a bank transfer. If you can easily choose between both, we would suggest a bank transfer, since PayPal charges a commission fee and part of your fee is deducted from the amount paid.
IMPORTANT: in case of a bank transfer we would kindly ask you to send a confirmation of the payment to (a PDF or a picture showing a receipt would be sufficient).
Just as a reminder: membership fee is 2000 JPY (Junior) if you are a student (including PhD student), a post-doc, or a recipient of a scholarship and 5000 JPY (Senior) otherwise. In addition, if you wish to support the Association without playing an active role, donations are also possible at the following page.
Upon receiving of the payment we will proceed in sending you the new membership card as soon as possible.
Bank transfer
Bank name and code: MUFG Bank (0005)
Branch and code: Shimokitazawa (127)
Bank account type: ordinary
Account number: 0505857
Account name: zainichiitariakenkyūshakyōkai ferisha-ni kuraudio
銀行名:三菱 UFJ 銀行(0005)
店番:下北沢(シモキタザワ)支店 (127)
口座名称(漢字):在日イタリア人研究者協会 フェリシャーニ クラウディオ
口座名称(カナ):ザイニチイタリアジンケンキユウシヤキヨウカイ フエリシ
ヤ-ニ クラウデイオ