[Webinar] Towards climate neutrality within 2050: Italy-Japan approaches to electrochemical energy storage

We would like to inform you about an interesting webinar organized by the Italian Embassy that well be held on 27 April 2021, 16.00-18.00 Japan time (9.00-11.00 Italy time). More info, the agenda and how to register, in the link below: https://ambtokyo.esteri.it/ambasciata_tokyo/it/ambasciata/news/dall_ambasciata/2021/03/towards-climate-neutrality-within_1.html

Supporting foreign residents, international students and researchers in Japan

February 2, 2021 Throughout the current COVID-19 pandemic it has become very clear how important research is to the future of humanity. Countries that provide strong and supportive environments for research and innovation will recover more quickly from the economic and human toll of the crisis. We encourage the government to make policy decisions thatContinue reading “Supporting foreign residents, international students and researchers in Japan”

IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast 2021

We are pleased to share this interesting event organized by AIRJ member Francesca Pincella and the Institute for Chemical Research at Kyoto University. A local chapter of the IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast 2021, which goal is to promote the participation of women in chemistry and to establish a support network. The (online – Zoom) eventContinue reading “IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast 2021”

AIRJ Talk: “Modalità di Richiesta Fondi per la Ricerca in Giappone”

Uno degli obiettivi primari dell’Associazione dei Ricercatori Italiani in Giappone è quello di unire tutti i ricercatori italiani per agevolare il processo di applicazione e condividere le varie esperienze per scrivere un proposal con alta probabilità di successo. Siamo quindi lieti di annunciare il primo”AIRJ Talk” dal tema “Modalità di Richiesta Fondi per la RicercaContinue reading “AIRJ Talk: “Modalità di Richiesta Fondi per la Ricerca in Giappone””

President of the Senate visit

On October 23rd, the board and founding members of the Association of Italian Researchers in Japan (AIRJ), along with other fellow researchers, met the President of the Senate of the Italian Republic, Maria Elisabetta Casellati, at the Italian Institute of Culture (IIC) in Tokyo, together with the Italian Ambassador, Giorgio Starace, and the Institute director,Continue reading “President of the Senate visit”

2019 European Research Day #25 – EU Delegation in Tokyo

Italian researchers are invited to attend the 2019 European Research Day #25 on October 25th, 2019. Organized together with Euraxess and the other Associations of European researchers (the Spanish AceJapon, German JSPS Club, the francophone Sciencescope), this event aims to bring together the European research community currently based in Japan to discuss research, careers, relation toContinue reading “2019 European Research Day #25 – EU Delegation in Tokyo”

European Research Day 2019

April 22nd, 2019 The Association of Italian Researchers in Japan organized a social event for the European Research Nights 2019 (ERN 2019) together with EURAXESS Japan at Pivotal Labs Tokyo. Experienced Italian and Japanese speakers provided valuable feedback through a series of talks and a panel dicussion. Link