Messaggio dall’Ambasciata d’Italia ai Connazionali in Giappone – Tokyo, 2 Aprile

Riportiamo qui il messaggio dell’Ambasciata pubblicato in data 2 Aprile riguardante la situazione COVID-19 in Giappone: Gentili Connazionali, la situazione dei contagi da COVID-19 in Giappone appare in rapido aumento, in particolare a Tokyo e Osaka. Come giĆ  ribadito lo scorso 26 marzo nel messaggio ai Connazionali dellā€™Ambasciatore Starace, ĆØ fondamentale che i connazionali presentiContinue reading “Messaggio dall’Ambasciata d’Italia ai Connazionali in Giappone – Tokyo, 2 Aprile”

Italy-Japan Workshop on Robotics 2019 ā€œRobots and the Futureā€

Italy-Japan WorkshopĀ is an initiative, supported by the Embassy of Italy in Japan, and the Association of Italian Researchers in Japan, in which a specific theme related to robotics is discussed and analysed involving the government, universities, research centers, and industries of both countries. The idea is to brainstorm around important issues in modern Robotics usingContinue reading “Italy-Japan Workshop on Robotics 2019 ā€œRobots and the Futureā€”

Kick-off event of AIRJ at Waseda University

The Association of Italian Researchers in Japan will be officially inaugurated with an event on Friday, December 6th, 2019 at Nishi Waseda campus in Tokyo from 7 pm. It will be a good moment to talk about research, and to socialize with other fellow international researchers. Authorities of the Italian Embassy will also be joiningContinue reading “Kick-off event of AIRJ at Waseda University”

The Association presented to the Vice Presidents of the Italian Senate and Chamber of Deputies

On November 3rd at the Embassy of Italy in Tokyo, on the occasion of the visit in Japan of the Vice Presidents of the Italian Senate, Ignazio La Russa, and Chamber of Deputies , Mara Carfagna, the Ambassador of Italy, Giorgio Starace, has announced the Association of the Italian Researchers in Japan.