AIRJ, in association with other European researcher associations in Japan (ACE Japon, German JSPS alumni, Sciencescope) and the Delegation of the European Union in Japan, is organizing a workshop on funding opportunities in the HORIZON framework, also for the researchers present in Japan. This event is designed for anyone who works for a Japanese universityContinue reading “Workshop on Horizon-Europe Opportunities in Japan”
Category Archives: news
Symposium of European Researchers in Japan
AIRJ is glad to invite you all to this symposium organized together with the associations of Spanish (ACE Japon) and French (Sciencescope) researchers in Japan, the JSPS Alumni Germany and the Delegation of European Union to Japan. Registration Please, fill this form to register to the event. Deadline for the registration is October 18th atContinue reading “Symposium of European Researchers in Japan”
JSPS-AIRJ Events in Milan
By Silvia Bolzani AIRJ coordinator for JSPS On the 4th and 5th of July 2023, we had the pleasure and the honour to organize two events in collaboration with the Human Technopole Institute, the University of Milano-Bicocca and the JSPS of Strasbourg. It was not only a great occasion for PhD students and researchers toContinue reading ” JSPS-AIRJ Events in Milan”
JSPS Information Session at the University of Genoa, Italy, and growing Italian JSPS Alumni community
Silvia Bolzani Last 28th September, 2022, an Information Session of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, organized by Professor Stefania Michelucci and Unige International Affairs, in collaboration with Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Scuola IMT di Lucca, was held in Genoa and Pisa. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is theContinue reading “JSPS Information Session at the University of Genoa, Italy, and growing Italian JSPS Alumni community”
International Summer School: Advances in Artificial Intelligence – Sep 19-23
AIRJ is glad to patronage the International Summer School: ADVANCES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Date and location:Lake Como School of Advanced StudiesSeptember 19-23, 2022Villa del Grumello (Como, ITALY) Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a core research and application area, pervading many fields of knowledge and offering new perspective in the computational landscape of the future. TheContinue reading “International Summer School: Advances in Artificial Intelligence – Sep 19-23”
Agevolazioni sul rientro in Italia per ricercatori all’estero
Comunichiamo la pubblicazione sul sito dell’Ambasciata di alcuni aggiornamenti sulle agevolazioni per chi trasferisce la residenza in Italia e sulla mobilità di docenti e ricercatori.
Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo, Italian Samurai – Stefano Valenzi
Stefano Valenzi is Managing Director at Itsuki Research LLC, Tokyo. He is in Japan since 2008. CV and Publications:
DISTANCES 2 – Ageing Society in Italy and Japan: A Multidisciplinary Workshop
AIRJ is glad to promote this workshop chaired by our coordinator, Stefania Bandini. November 12, 2021 18:00-20:00 (Japan time) – 10:00-12:00 (CET time)November 13, 17:00-19:00 (Japan time) – 9:00-11:00 (CET time)Online Event from Kyoto CONCEPTThe global emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemics strongly impacted on theperception and management of distances. Social, economic, logistics and psychologicalconsequencesContinue reading “DISTANCES 2 – Ageing Society in Italy and Japan: A Multidisciplinary Workshop”
Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo, Italian Samurai – Luca Baiotti
Associate Professor at International College and Graduate School of Science, Osaka University In Japan since 2007 Resume: List of publications
Incontro con il nuovo Ambasciatore d’Italia in Giappone, Gianluigi Benedetti
13 Ottobre 2021 Per il direttivo di AIRJ (Association of Italian Researchers in Japan) è stato un piacere essere ricevuti dall’Ambasciatore Designato d’Italia in Giappone, Gianluigi Benedetti, insieme all’attaché scientifico Enrico Traversa e al console Marco Lattanzi. I membri di AIRJ rappresentavano alcuni dei campi di attività dei ricercatori italiani in Giappone: robotica, quantum, AI,Continue reading “Incontro con il nuovo Ambasciatore d’Italia in Giappone, Gianluigi Benedetti”